Where did the notion that Monday is a dreaded day originate? Why are there so many songs about it being a downer day? When did it become a dumping ground for all things negative?
What if we just decided to change the conversation about Monday’s and make them days to celebrate? Here are some reasons on my mind. Feel free to share you own in the comment section:
1. First let’s state the obvious: we are waking up on a Monday in April, not January. Flowers and trees are blooming. Warmer weather is sure to come!
2. You get to go to work today if you have a job. Know how many don’t?
3. New jobs will be posted today for those of us who are looking to upgrade. Share your Positive Image with those companies; you’re going to score this time!
4. You get a new, blank canvas today. Monday is a great day to start a project, knowing you have a few days before your Friday deadline to make it perfect.
5. You will have the best lunch of the week today if you take advantage of the leftovers from Sunday’s fabulous dinner.
6. There’s still time to lose a couple of pounds before Friday’s date.
7.Hawaii 5-0 is on. You can DVR it and go to bed early.
8.Your weekend guests have left and the house will be peaceful tonight
9.It’s a good night to visit restaurants that have 2-for1 dinners or half priced wine
10. You are now done reading the blog, and it’s unlikely I will bother you with another before the end of the week.
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