Our hearts are heavy as we cope with the horrible aftermath of the Colorado massacre last week. It would be easy to resign ourselves to anger, to pontificate about why it happened, to jump into the political arguments about whether gun control would have prevented this.
I’m not going there, because I don’t have any answers.
Instead, I think we could all use some good news. We can all work to give ourselves and our loved ones a positive week. It’s possible through our actions and through our prayers. I have some requests for the prayer list:
• For the unemployed. I have friends who have been out of work for months now. You probably do, too. I have a good vibe that doors are going to swing open for them this week.
• For those struggling with serious illness. A Facebook friend’s three-year-old has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He also has Down Syndrome. May the medial treatments and prayers continue to work for him so he will have a good week. And may his mommy get some much needed rest.
• In appreciation of our bosses. That can be a lonely job. They often have to deliver disappointing news, make difficult decisions and take a level of stress to bed with them every night that we can only imagine. May we all do something this week – one little thing—to make their load lighter.
• In gratitude to our loved ones who put up with us! May they have at least one great moment this week to inhale summer – whether it’s the satisfying taste of roasted corn, fresh berry ice cream or just time to relax in the sun while we cut the grass for a change.
• In awe of stay-at-home parents. My friend’s career took off at a time when she had two very young children. She and her husband made the decision – way before it was cool to be Mr. Mom – to have her husband give up his job so their children could be well cared for. Today, those young adults are honors students at the best colleges. Another friend was a highly regarded marketing professional with a growing national reputation. She put her career on pause when her daughter was born premature. Today her young daughter is thriving and we all enjoy the Facebook photos of her little hands covered in finger paint. Not everyone can afford to make these decisions but hopefully this week brings some proud moments to the Eric’s and the Buffy’s of the world.
• For our aging parents. May they have a day this week when a vibrant burst of energy allows them to take a swim, get out on the boat or work in the garden.
• For those who want to be in loving relationships. May they realize this week that they are loved and valued.
• For all of you, that you have something happen every single day this week that results in a positive thought or action.
This will be a good week, if we let it. I just know it. If you have a positive moment please share it in the comments so everyone can find the simple truth in gratitude.
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